It's a beautiful fall up here on the Great Turtle, and Mackinac Arts Council is already busy getting ready for the 2013 season! We have written grants to Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Mackinac Island Community Foundation, and a Letter of Inquiry to ArtPlace America. These grants request funding for operations, professional development, supplies, and equipment. The grant decisions will be announced in early January.
The line up of musicians for our series
Music in the Park is coming together. We will have seven outdoor concerts on the lawn of Marquette Park featuring 11 Michigan artists. Be sure to keep an eye out for our calendar, you won't want to miss next year's concerts!
We have some great artists instructors preparing to teach for
Workshops at the Museum next year. Jennifer Powell of St. Ignace, MI, and former resident of Mackinac Island, will teach "Colorful Collage," a class on paper collage. Jennifer wrote and illustrated the children's book "What I saw on Mackinac." Her beautiful collage work can be seen in this book. Nicki Griffith will be teaching a workshop on pastels. Nicki lives on Mackinac and is part of the artist group, The Mackinac Seven. We will also have return instructors Bill Murcko and Rosemary Gould. Bill will teach live figure drawing of people dressed in historic costume. A two-day workshop on metal jewelery making will be taught by Rosemary. We still have available spots if you are an artist and would like to teach a class. Please
send us an email if you are interested.
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Stay tuned for more updates throughout the winter!
The Mackinac Arts Council creates, supports, and promotes the arts to enrich the lives of people visiting, working, and living on Mackinac Island.